Raziko is the player for listening Japanese IP Simulcast Radio broadcasting. Raziko requires installation of radiko for Android application. If you can only listen NHK stations, please check whether you have a space on SD card for writing. NHK Rajiru is not accessible from out of Japan. If you have a problem for listening or recording program in background, disable task management tools. Number of recordable program is limited to just one. If you want to remove this limitation or hide advertisement, please purchase "Raziko Extension". When you have a sound discontinued problem because of radiko.jp service, please use a longer buffering time. You may encounter a sound discontinued problem when many users access to Radiko.jp service. If there are any syntax problem for EPG information from radiko.jp service, raziko can not show up EPG. If EPG shows wrong time slot, please check timezone for date setting. Advertisement will be shown without installation of Raziko Extensions. If you mount the external storage on PC with USB connection, recording will be stopped. Raziko是玩家听日本IP转播电台广播。 需要安装Raziko radiko为Android应用程序。如果你只能听NHK的电台,请检查你是否有一个写入SD卡上的空间。 NHK Rajiru是不是来自日本的访问。 如果你有一个问题,在后台收听或录制节目,禁用任务管理工具。 只是一个记录程序的数量是有限的。 如果你想删除此限制或隐藏广告,请购买“Raziko拓”。 当你有一个健全的终止问题因为服务radiko.jp,请使用一个较长的缓冲时间。您可能会遇到一个声音停产问题时,许多用户访问为Radiko.jp服务。 如果有任何语法问题EPG信息从radiko.jp服务的,raziko无法显示EPG。 如果EPG显示错误的时间槽,请检查日期设置时区。 广告将显示不安装Raziko扩展。 如果你安装在PC与USB连接,外部存储记录将被停止。 更新内容: 1.2.0266 Fix recording problem